Showing posts from react category

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks - Part 2

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks - Part 2

In a previous blog, [JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks](, we delved into the nuances of JavaScript data typ...

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React's Dependency Checks

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React's Dependency Checks

JavaScript, a language of many faces, often presents concepts that are deceptively simple yet profound in their implications. Among these, understanding equality checks and the nuanced landscape of J...

Animating SVGs in React: Breathe Life into Your Images

Animating SVGs in React: Breathe Life into Your Images

Dare I say, we've all been there - staring at our perfectly tailor-made Figma designs, only to dread the impending ordeal of translating it pixel-for-pixel in code. The challenge often intensifies wh...